Frequently Asked Questions ||

Frequently Asked Questions ||

1. What can I expect during my first visit to August Chiropractic?

  • Answer: Your first visit will include a detailed consultation and assessment to understand your health concerns and goals. We'll then discuss a personalized treatment plan that may include myofascial release, chiropractic adjustments, and specific exercises. Our aim is to provide a comprehensive approach to your wellness.

2. What is myofascial release and how does it help?

  • Answer: Myofascial release is a technique we use to relieve pain and increase range of motion by releasing tension in the myofascial tissues surrounding your muscles. This can help alleviate chronic pain and improve mobility.

3. Are chiropractic adjustments safe?

  • Answer: Yes, chiropractic adjustments are generally safe when performed by a trained and licensed professional. Our chiropractors have extensive training and experience in delivering safe and effective adjustments.

4. What should I wear to my chiropractic appointment?

  • Answer: We recommend wearing loose, comfortable clothing to your appointment. This helps us perform chiropractic adjustments and exercises more effectively and ensures your comfort throughout the session.

5. How long does a typical chiropractic session last?

  • Answer: A typical session can last anywhere from 30 to 60 minutes, depending on your specific treatment plan. We take the time necessary to provide thorough care tailored to your needs.

6. Will I need multiple treatments?

  • Answer: The number of treatments varies depending on your individual condition and health goals. Some patients experience significant relief after just a few sessions, while others may require ongoing care to manage chronic conditions.

7. What should I do after my chiropractic adjustment?

  • Answer: We recommend gentle movement post-adjustment, especially if it's your first. This helps your body adapt to the changes. Avoid strenuous activities right after your session, and ensure you stay hydrated.

8. How can I schedule an appointment?

  • Answer: You can schedule an appointment by calling our clinic or booking directly through our website. We offer convenient scheduling options to fit your busy lifestyle.

9. Does August Chiropractic accept insurance?

  • Answer: We accept FSA and HSA cards. Unfortunately, we do not accept insurance. We have found that insurance companies limit our care by only reimbursing what they deem necessary. This causes outcomes to be lesser than the quality we want to provide at August Chiropractic.

10. How is August Chiropractic different from other chiropractic clinics? 

  • Answer: At August Chiropractic, we focus on a three-pronged approach combining myofascial release, chiropractic adjustments, and exercise recommendations. Our treatments are evidence-based and tailored to each patient's unique needs, ensuring high-quality care without relying on fancy equipment.